Wednesday, December 30, 2009
It's Official!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
The next steps...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Dreams coming true!
Friday, December 25, 2009
The best gift of all!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Last night in Thailand tonight!
Monday, December 21, 2009
All clear so far!
Chinese herbs
Duphaston (Oral Progesterone)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Beach, Pool, Waiting...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Movies, Reading, Waiting...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Embyo Transfer
I am elated to let you all know, that the embryo transfer went well today! JG is resting in our room and has been since 5pm local time.We were picked up today at 1130am and arrived early to the clinic. After some wonderful Thai cuisine for lunch, we saw the doctor for the transfer procedure at 1pm. There was another couple that transferred at the same time. The ward was small and intimate, as it is new it is also sparkling clean and professionally run! We were dropped off after the other couple to our hotel and as it was Bankok traffice it took 1.5 holurs to get home including the drop off of the other couple. We were well looked after as we were driven in a Mercedes Vito van decked out in plush seating and good air conditioning! One of the best ways to travel in Bangkok.
Over to the progress of the organisims. Of the 8, we had one excellent blastocyst embryo (this is the one we transferred). 2 were rated as fair at the blastocyst stage. A little sadly the great ratings that we were initially given on day 3, did not all continue in that vein by the 5th day, however, I keep reminding JG that we have the holy grail so far, let's be pleased with one that we can hopefully turn into a bub! I am looking forward to the hours of comedy JourneyBaby & JourneyDog will provide!
I am wrapped that we have implanted a well developed embryo today, we may well have begun our family! JG is a little saddened that we did not get as many to the excellent stage by day 5, but I hope she is slowly coming around to the idea that as long as this one grows we can come back again. It might be nice to have more ready to freeze right now, but its not the main thing.
JG seems to see it my way, however, as she likes to overachieve Im sure it will dog her mind a little, until at least we have a positive pregnancy on its way.
The nurse reeled off a massive list of do's and dont's. Which include: no shopping (Gaah!), no fast walking or general tensing of the core area. Showers are required and definitely bed rest for the rest of the day. i.e No hot baths or exercise.
After the initial transfer was done JG was told she had to remain laying for at leat 15 minutes, but an hour is preferred. After about 45 mins the nurse came to say it was time to go. JG has happily retired to the room to await the Twillight movie that will be on free to air tonight and is hoping to see the New Moon film tomorrow at the cinema.
JG is feeling very happy & positive, she wants to pass on.
During the procedure, JG was given a pic of the embryo's from the doctor to hold and she was able to watch them remove the embryo from the petrie dish before the nurse handed it to the Doctor to be placed in its new home. Also on hand were her grandnana's rosary beads, some lucky stones and the blessed Saint medal from my momma! We were also sensing the positive vibes all of you are sending, many thanks for your positive thoughts.
JM is preparing for the next step, adieu for this eve.
Until Tomorrow...
I have been given blog update duty as JG is recovering from a rather arduous day out in the Thai countryside today. We were picked up by our tour operator at 7am, took a 130km bus ride (one way) to Kanchanaburi and took in the sights of rafting on the River Kwai, paid respects at the allied war cemetary and whilst riding on the POW built Burma/Thai railway and rode elephants! We returned to Bankok at approx. 6pm having spent the trip sleeping, reading and missing our JourneyDog and in great apprehension that our little bubs was soon to be on board!
Late yesterday we received the information that our egg fertilisation was going well. 5 grade one embryos at day 3 and 3 gade 2 embryos! JG and I were lifted greatly in spirits to read this as our fear was that with 8 out of 18 follicles that we may not have any to freeze, however things worked out there also! The egg transfer is tomorrow, we are being picked up at 12pm to set off to the doctor.
JG has decided, in the spirit of keeping relaxed that one last massage is in order, tomorrow morning, to ensure she is completely ready for the baby growing to occur. We have specified to the doctor to but one embryo back, this is due to the uterus size to ensure growing will go well.
JG is in bed exhausted at the moment, and has been there since our return to the hotel, luckily I was energetic enough to get some food for sustinance.
We thank you all for your continued support & hope that you are all dreaming of our baby on the way!
Peace Out,
Sunday, December 13, 2009
8 is enough - calmer day!
8 Embryos....
Saturday, December 12, 2009
18 Eggs!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The ART of relaxation..
Well, we are here and it is absolutely divine! We got in at 5:30am Bangkok time and a rep from the clinic picked us up from the airport. Unfortunately we had to wait for a couple of hours before our room was ready and that was excrutiating and how - I was pretty exhausted though the flight was absolutely fine though a little turbulant.
We finally got in to the room (which is fabulous!) and had a clean up and a nap before heading out to explore, have lunch and have our first Thai massage. I tell you, we are living the high life here, it is wonderful!!
Tomorrow is our donor's egg collection and JourneyMan's retrieval - I am very excited - will let you know how it went tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We're on our way!
It has been an absolutely full on day and now I am so tired, I can't wait to get on the plane to get me some ZZZZ's! The day started off at 5am when I got up and put the finishing touches on the packing and cleaning before heading off to work.
Work was a complete disaster today. I had worked on getting this particular task done for the past 2 weeks and thought that when I presented it to the relevant team that they would be completely joyful at what I was able to do for them - unfortunately, they changed their minds AGAIN and I had to do a review of some data before I finished today. It was very disappointing, though I am very happy now to be having almost a month off before I go back. I have finally started to relax after a pretty stressful day and I am really looking forward to a nap on the plane!
We have now completed check in, have gone through customs and security and are waiting at the gate. The lesson of the airport, I believe is patience! There is a lot of standing around, then sitting around and then waiting around. My mum cooked us dinner tonight (a roast - yum!!) and then dropped us off at the airport.
It is kind of a surreal moment but even as I sit an type, I am relaxing more and more and imagining myself being pregnant very soon - I am SO excited!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
We have follicles!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Are we there yet?
There is also something called ridiculously emotional. I am anxious, I am crying, I am yelling, I am happy, I am excited, I am tired, I am confident that this will be our BFP, I am doubtful that it will work, I am nervous, I am snapping at people at work, I am writing mean emails, deleting them, writing them again, deleting it again and then finally writing an acceptable version – I am over it!! Seriously, Best Friend J commented tonight that it was lucky it was only two more sleeps otherwise someone (most likely Journeyman) might lose their life!!
Funnily enough, I thought that this would be an easier cycle because I wasn’t on all of the injectibles – unfortunately because I am having the clexane injections every day, it feels like a normal IVF cycle. I got an email from the clinic today marked ‘urgent’ – seriously, my heart stopped. I mean within the time that I was able to get the email open, I thought ‘oh my god, the donor has no follicles, what if the cycle is cancelled? Thankfully, it was the admin assistant asking for some personal details – goodness, couldn’t she have titled the email ‘Urgent Request for Information’ – I mean, bloody hell, am I not emotional enough?
Avoid Melbourne if you can, people – there is one crazy chick in town – thankfully she blows out of here in 2 more days – whoo hooo!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I'm very flattered!

Here are the rules to the award:
- Tell your readers how your journey into blogging began. Be as verbose or shy as you like.
- 3-5 fellows whom you adore and write exactly what you value about that person or blog. The more that you write about them, the better. This is a chance to really appreciate your blog friends who have been there for you through thick and thin.
- Let the blessed winners know they have been awarded.
So, without further ado, here firstly is my story about how I got into blogging. I started a blog about having lap band surgery for the business that my friend and I have set up and I found it a wonderful way to express myself. I started this particular blog after our 5th IVF cycle was unsuccessful and we decided to go to Thailand to try a donor egg cycle there. I had searched far and wide to see if I could find a blogger in my particular situation, going to another country to access a donor but I couldn't find anyone, especially for Thailand so I thought to myself, 'okay, I will start my own!'. I purposely kept this blog anonymous as I wanted to be able to express all of my emotions without censoring myself. Only my husband, my best mate J and Lifeslurper know my try identity (she was very encouraging!!).
Here are my nominations:
1. Lifeslurper and Teddy Lifeslurper - my number 1 blogging inspiration, sounding board and blogging yoda (she reminds me to sign up for ICLW, let me know about Stirrup Queens and let me know about CycleSista) - what would I do without this wonderful friend I met on an Australian IVF forum. Her posts are poignant, brutally honest and funny, I love her to bits and whilst they have parted ways, Teddy Lifeslurper never fails to bring a smile to my face - you haven't lived until you have had a view of his (and don't forget the big blue dog!) antics.
2. Chelle from Once an Infertile - and not because you created this award but because you are an inspiration to me. When I first started doing ICLW, I wouldn't look at any blogs of IF women who were already successful, not because I was resentful, just because I felt I had more in common with the women who were trying. You have given me the courage to open my mind and heart to more who are on different stages of the journey and I am absolutely grateful for it (plus, this way you can nominate 5 more and I might find some more grouse blogs to follow myself - yes, of course it is all about me :))
3. TireeGal from Happy Go Lucky - who found me during and ICLW I believe and is a fellow donor egg cycle gal. I visited her blog after she had commented here and I liked the title of her blog 'Happy Go Lucky' it was so aspirational and I was intrigued that someone could be that way going through the IF journey - she has been a wonderful comfort over the past months. She is in the TWW at the moment with a test on 11 December - I am hoping that this will be a BFP for you my friend!
4. Jill at All Aboard the Pity Boat - I felt instant kinship with Jill when I found her - despite the fact that we live on opposite ends of the earth! She is an amazing woman. She is doing a running challenge at the moment, is crocheting (!!) and has the most gorgeous blue heeler you've ever seen in your life.
5. Miss Tori at The Winding Road to Parenthood - she has been a wonderful comfort to me over the past few months and is always quick with a kind word and a lovely piece of advice. She is preparing for her Lap Band surgery on 17 December (the same day as our transfer) and I hope that everything goes very well!!
Well that is it for the awards - once again, thank you Chelle!
On other matters, I spoke too soon about the 'no side effects with the drugs'. I have hit an emotional roller coaster. I went to the market with my Mum this morning as per usual and we were talking about my Dad. It is pretty hard at the moment because he is deteriorating so rapidly with the hydrocephallus and demtetia. He is disappearing in front of our eyes and I try to be available to my mum so that she can talk about it - the poor thing is having a very rough time as Dad is getting nastier, more agressive and paranoid by the day - she is pretty ground down by it all. Unfortunately this morning in the car, I just started sobbing and couldn't stop - I felt bad because I didn't want to heap any more worry on to her. I seem to be crying at the drop of a hat lately and whilst it is not surprising with everything going on, I am a bit exhausted by it all.
Mum and I ended up having a laugh about it and she was really good so I felt a bit better but honestly, my emotions are going crazy! I was going to clean the house an pack this afternoon but ended up sleeping for the majority of it - that's fine, I can do the cleaning and packing tomorrow.
I wanted to post some pics of Journey Dog who is Woolly. The first one shows him with before his clipping last week and the second one is today (post shorn like a sheep) - here they are:
Wow, only four more sleeps to go!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Whinging and babbling....
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Organised - who, me?
- che chan cheu Jodie kaa (my name is Jodie)
- ra ka thao rai (how much is this? - for shopping :))
- Sa-mee (husband)
- de tar rok (baby)
I am working on it, I am not gifted with languages - I will try my best!
Also, here is a run down of the times (using our flight out of Melbourne as a base!):
Melbourne: 10 December 00:20
Bangkok: 9 December 20:20
Los Angeles: 9 December 05:20
New York: 9 December 08:00
London: 9 December 13:00
I hope that helps!!
Suraita - next trip, I will be lobbing in at your place - don't worry, I will organise the hell out of you!
Lifeslurper - be careful of what you wish for, my friend, I will be gettin on the freeway and getting your bum into gear! Seriously, when I get back, we will definitely need to catch up!
I am happy to say though that this time next week, we will be sitting pretty in our hotel in Thailand!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Is there such a thing as too organised?
I thought I was going to be really busy at work at this time because of the project and whilst there is still a bit to do, it is all under control.
Honestly, I don't think that I can be any more organised than I am right now - here are just some of the things that I have done in the past couple of days:
- I have researched what spa's we will go to when we are in Thailand
- I have converted the prices for all of the spa treatments into AUD and printed it out as a reference for JourneyMan and I to look at
- I have looked up the times that the yoga classes are on at the gym at our hotel
- I have looked at what movies are going to be on the plane
- I have looked at what movies will be on at the multiplex next to where we are staying
- I have researched where we can go for an elephant ride not too far from Bangkok (JourneyMan wants to ride the elephants)
- I have purchased all of our books for Thailand (I am going to be reading the new Marian Keys - 'The Brightest Star in the Sky', I love her, she is a funny writer, plus all four of the Twilight books - JourneyMan is reading the latest Matthew Riley and the new Dan Brown)
- I have google mapped the directions from the hotel to the clinic (despite the fact that they pick us up each time we need to go there)
Also, another thing that is annoying me is that JourneyMan has had his last day of work today before we go and I am annoyed that I still have 5 working days to go - what the!?!?
Does anyone what anything organised, I tell you, I am a list maker without a to do list, this does not bode well people!!
Thanks to Chelle & T-Gal for your lovely comments and hell yes I will be blogging in Thailand - I already know where the internet cafe is!!
In response to the comment from Anonymous. The clinic that I am going to is:
And no, I am not Asian and the reason that we are going to Thailand is that it is illegal to pay donors in Australia. I don't care whether the baby looks like me and I honestly don't care what people think - basically because this is our best chance of me being able to carry a child.
Well that's it for me tonight - this time next week, people!!