Monday, April 29, 2013

8 more sleeps till we meet our little man!

I am in serious countdown mode now.  I finally woke up this morning and was able to say 'next week, we will meet our boy' - that felt super good!  The weekend was good, we have done a good cleaning on the house so I am just hoping to keep everything maintained until next week when we go to the hospital.

On the subject of Boo2, he has been moving much, much more these past few days, I have been really relieved. The doctor said to go in and be monitored yesterday if I still felt he was not moving as much but since he has been doing really well, I didn't bother with it.  I have my last appointment with the OB on Thursday so I am hoping that little Boo2 keeps up the movement.  I am still feeling very uncomfortable, of course and I know that the only cure will be to give birth to our beautiful little man.  I am just so excited to meet him!!  

Today, my two sisters and Mum came over and helped me out with a marathon cook up.  We cooked the following dishes:

  • Cauliflower & bacon soup
  • Chicken & veggie soup
  • Beef & veggie soup
  • Chorizo & lentil soup
  • Porcupine balls (old family recipe of rice & meatballs)
  • Chicken & sweet potato casserole
  • Lamb & rosemary stew
  • Beef & red wine casserole
  • Chicken satay & rice
It was a pretty fun day.  So much nicer cooking in a community than slugging it out on your own.  It was nice sitting and chopping and cooking and chatting.  I made sure that we had some yummy lunch and all of the food has now been cooked, portioned out, labelled and put in the freezer ready for us to grab in those first hectic weeks of bringing home a newborn.  They were all so awesome, everything has been cleaned and put away and the house is spic and span again, nice!  I am absolutely exhausted now though, I can barely get off the couch my back is so sore, we started at 9am this morning and finished at about 5pm - it was a very full day.

I am super thankful that my mother in law is coming around tomorrow to visit with JBB and myself.  She is a wonderful woman.  She helps out with anything around the house, takes JBB to the park to run his energy off and then I make us a nice lunch so we can have some food and a natter.  She is lovely because she understands that once JBB goes for a nap, I will also want to head off for a bit of an afternoon sleep.

I am so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful support, it is a community that I sincerely appreciate and I like to nurture it wherever I can.   My Mum and JourneyMan's Mum are not particularly computer savvy so I like to volunteer to help them research or book anything that they need to online.  I try to volunteer to help out as much as possible, they help me out so much and I can honestly say that it is a massive joy to give so much help.

My Mum is going to Thailand in 6 weeks for a holiday with my Aunty (Dad's sister) - I am SOOOOO excited for them, they both deserve a lovely break, it has been a tough past 12 months for both of them. I have to say, I am a bit jealous because I love Thailand, I feel like it is my second home these days and I would love to be going with them and shopping up a storm but I will be happily mired in getting to know my newest little man when they go!!

This time next week people, it will be the night before the Ceasarean!!!  Whoo too - am SOOOOO excited.

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful to have found your blog. As someone who has been told donor eggs ared my only hope to have a family it's comforting to be able to read your experiences. My husband and I started IF treatment when I was 31. The diagnosis after two failed IVFS was heart wrenching. It has been 2 1/2 years since the last cycle and I am still dragging my feet about using donor eggs. 6 years of IF have left me bitter and pretty much friendless. Just curious if the decision to move to donor eggs was hard for you. Thank you again and I wish you a safe and healthy deliver and baby!
