Thursday, April 18, 2013

36 Weeks and breathing normally (for the most part)!

So, I have made it to 36 weeks - honestly, I am so happy to have gotten to this point and was so doubtful at times in the pregnancy that I would even get here.  The panic and doubt continued last week, I started to get some greenish discharge and called the fill in OB to see if it was anything to worry about.  I get a bit worried if I see green down there because I only have one kidney and infections are a huge deal to me.  The fill in OB said that I could come in for a swab last Friday to see her or I could wait and see my regular Doc on Monday.   I asked her if it was urgent and she said 'well the baby is still in there so not very urgent'.  This upset me greatly - I feel like she thought I was being hysterical when I felt that caution was needed because of my history.

Needless to say, I chose to wait to see my normal OB on Monday and, as usual, he was fabulous.  I told him of all of my concerns and he was extremely comforting.  He sent me off to get the tests redone to make 100% sure that all was good.  I also had to have a urine test to check for UTI's and then I was also sent to be monitored (baby heartbeat and any contractions) for around 40 mins.  Everything came back all good so I have breathed a  huge sigh of relief.  I don't think that I will fully relax until I am holding him in my arms but at least I am not in full panic mode like I was for the past couple of weeks.

So now I feel like I am enjoying these last weeks.  I am still in a lot of pain from sciatica and being so heavy but the extra time that I am able to spend just with me and JBB is absolutely priceless.  He is at such a funny age, he cracks me up with his faces and jokes - he loves to make me laugh!!  His speech has really improved over the last couple of months and he is going really, really well.  We do have days of power struggles though, he is after all, 2 and is trying to assert his authority.  He likes choice this kid and some of the struggles are about the most minuscule things!!  The weather has turned cold but he always wants to only wear a t-shirt when he gets out of bed (then whinges about being cold).  I have found that if I give him the choice between two jumpers, he will consent to wearing one.  For breakfast, I always have to give two choices (peanut butter or vegemite on your toast? Weet Bix or porridge?) which seems to cut out most of the tantrums though he now likes to negotiate 'yoghurt first, then toast', which cracks me up.

It is surreal that in just 3 short weeks, we will be a family of 5 (including JourneyDog of course) and that our lives will once again change forever.  I am so excited to meet our little man and to see what he is going to be like.  

Exciting times - only 19 days to go!!


  1. That's so funny- your boy sounds just like mine! Offering choices of two things we will allow is how we get things done too - he can be conned into eating yoghurt if I offer him a choice of two different coloured spoons to eat it with! He had a total meltdown the other day though, when I took he jeans off to do a nappy change and *he* had wanted to take them off himself - I had to put them back on him so that he could do it. Aargh! So glad you're able to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy a bit - precious times!

  2. Oh my gosh, 36 weeks!!! So exciting!!!!! I remember those last weeks with Bean. Such a crazy time of excitement for the future but trying to hang on to all those precious moments in the present. Enjoy every bit and I'm so glad that you're feeling a little more at ease. I can't wait to hear an update!
