Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Feeling hot, hot, hot....

We continue to swelter here in Melbourne.  It has been a record breaking summer and we are now sweating through the longest number of days over 30 degrees C in a row.  Seriously, I am absolutely over it.  It is Autumn now for crying out loud – the average normal temperature in March is 24 degrees – we have been averaging more than that for the minimum temperature and it has made for some very uncomfortable nights.

People are getting cranky because they are not getting sleep and I am no exception, I am absolutely exhausted from the heat and with my temp up from the pregnancy, any effort seems just too much right now.  Poor JBB is also having trouble sleeping at the moment which makes us all tired because he is a big cranky pants when he is tired.

JourneyMan went away for the weekend, over to Perth where his cousin got married.  I was supposed to go but with all the complications with the pregnancy we decided that caution was the name of the game at the moment.  I missed him mightily and I also realised just how much of the load that he takes from me while he is around.  He is a gem of a husband for sure.  I was soooo glad when he got home – it was tough without him.  JBB missed him too, he is a real Daddy’s boy – his Daddy is his hero, especially at the moment because I can’t do much physical playing with him (we do a lot of reading and chatting – I am the boring parent right now).

I had to call the OB on Saturday night because I have had a bit of gastro over the weekend as well as a headache that lasted a couple of days too.  I didn't think that there was much to worry about but I wanted to make sure anyway.  He was great as usual and I needed to check in the following morning and I felt a bit better.  He said that he has had so many calls because the heat is hurting the pregnant people right now.  He thought that I just had a bit of a virus, blech.

Apparently, there is a cool change coming at about 6pm tomorrow night but the following day it is due to be 27 and then the day after 28, though I suppose that is better than the 37 that we have going on today.  It is supposed to be a pretty cool weekend, that will be nice, I am not holding my breath though.

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