Monday, May 7, 2012

We're Moving!

It has been a pretty hectic couple of weeks. As per my plan (I need to do an update post on the plan but suffice to say it is all going very well), I got all of my taxes up to date and the accountant advised that we would be better off renting at this point and renting out our own place. So, since that meeting, we have been looking at houses to rent and getting an agent to rent out our place and we now we are moving to the new house in under 3 weeks! 

The house is beautiful, it has 3 large bedrooms, a nice big living area, a sunroom, renovated kitchen and bathroom and a lovely big backyard for JBB to stretch out his legs in. It is going to be nice to have some space around us as we have been pretty squashed in our place for the past few months. It is only a couple of suburbs away but closer to the city so both of our commutes will be shorter, yay! We will, however, have to move JBB from his current day care, after all the drama at the start, he loves it there now and doesn't want to come home when I pick him up! 

All the same, there is part of me that is sad to be leaving our house. It is the first place we have owned. It is the first place that JourneyMan and I lived together. It is the place that we got JourneyDog who is Woolly, it is where the whole of our IF journey has taken place. We have completely renovated the place and I am going to miss it but still, it will be nice to have space around us. Lastly, the new place sends a clear message to the universe that we have a room to fill. We have the space in our hearts and in our house for a beautiful sister or brother for JBB. 

I think it's a positive move for our family and I hope that family increases in the near future.


  1. Wow - that sounds fantastic! It sounds ideal actually - you get to move someplace that give you room to expand and you don't have to make the final break with your old place yet because you will still own it. Much sympathy on the daycare situation though - I know that will be tough. If it's any comfort though, I teach small children and they are INCREDIBLY adaptable - they bounce in ways we don't. I see kids come new to our school (sometimes from the other side of the world!) and after a week or so, you'd never know they hadn't been there forever. Oh, and I AM going to mail you - I am incredibly stupid though, because I thought that since comment notifications come to my daily account, emails would to - and they don't, they go to an account directly linked to the blog and I hardly ever check that. Found three emails today including yours -oops!

  2. Gosh I hate moving but love when you move to a new place and everything is new and fresh. Have fun with all of the packing and unpacking!
