Sunday, February 27, 2011

The best of times, the worst of times....

On the good side of things, JBB is now 6 months old. Those 6 months have been the best and most cherished of my life. Every day he does something new. He is smiling and laughing more, he is starting to push up onto his knees, he is absolutely loving his swimming time each week. He is as cute as a button and every day, I love him more than the day before. Today, he was sitting with me and he spent minutes mesmerised by the faces that I was making at him and then when he was in the jolly jumper and JourneyDog was running around him, he was laughing hysterically - these are the precious moments that I love.

On the bad, my dad has been in hospital again and the situation is getting harder and harder for both my mum and dad. My brother's best mate from childhood died from cancer this week - he was only diagnosed 3 months ago and leaves behind his wife and 3 boys. He was a wonderful bloke from a beautiful family - sometimes life just does not seem fair.

On the positive side of things, my brother was a part of the eulogy. This is my brother who was deathly scared of public speaking who in the past 18 months has gotten sober and gone through rehab, got a hugely responsible job and is a runaway success at it - I couldn't be more proud of him. My brother was so close to death himself, he was dying in front of our eyes and to see how he has turned his life around makes my heart swell with love and pride.

On the bad side of things our neighbours in New Zealand have suffered a disastrous earthquake. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the friends and families of the dead, injured and missing - it is a heartbreaking event for all New Zealanders.

It is times like these that make me realise how I really must treasure every moment of our lives. I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your brother's friend and your dad. You are right: we should definitely treasure our time here.
