Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year

Happy New Year everyone - I hope it is a beautiful, wonderful year for you all!!

Firstly, let me clear up my last post. No, I am not pregnant - as my friend Lifeslurper deduced, I was referring to Christmas 2009 when I found out that I was pregnant with the beautiful JBB.

We have been away camping for 10 days from 27 December (not down your way LS, we were on the Sapphire coast - absolutely gorgeous!!) so I haven't had access to update you on the latest Journey adventures. It was a rocky holiday. JourneyMan wasn't there for the first four days and as I had most of my family there with me, I thought I would be able to cope with camping and a four month old. Hmmm, that proved me wrong - it was hard, desperately hard and I felt like a total failure because I couldn't cope with it by myself.

JourneyMan ended up coming up a day earlier than originally planned because I begged him to and then it was a bit easier. It has been a strange couple of weeks. The absolute joy of Christmas was followed by the desperate disappointment of my inability to cope on our trip. JourneyMan and I were also squabbling and it took until two nights ago for us to sit down and to really talk out what has been going on, we are okay now but I found it a bit disturbing because we were having difficulty communicating with each other - misunderstandings were the order of the day.

On the very positive side of things, JBB is a darling. He is 4 and a half months old now and is more and more delightful every day. He is such a good baby. He has been sleeping through the night for a while now and is babbling (and squealing) all the time, I think he is going to be quite a chatterbox. He is learning at a rate of knotts - he can pull himself up to a standing position when he is holding our hands, he has learned how to grasp items on his own - he is an absolute treasure.

My New Year's resolutions for this year are:

1. To work on feeling deserving of all of the wonderful things that I have in my life
2. To be nicer to myself
3. To enjoy every moment with JBB and JourneyMan
4. To get back my fitness and lose weight again

It is not a nice realisation to discover that you are hideously mean to yourself - honestly, I wouldn't say some of the things that I say to myself to my worst enemy. I am going to continue on with the counselling to keep on learning and growing.

I am also going to get back to using this blog as an outlet for my feelings moreso than an update of our daily happenings - I hope that will be interesting and not to tedious for you all!!


  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those are great new year's resolutions :)

  2. Wishing you a very happy 2011 :)

  3. Definitely don't be too hard on yourself for the camping journey. It was a new experience, and while you can think you know what to expect, often times it turns out completely different. Next time will be much easier, I promise.

    Here is to hoping this year ends on a great note for all of us. :)
