Saturday, February 20, 2010

A rollercoaster week to 12 weeks!

Well it was a very full on week to get to the wonderful 12 week mark. You know that I had been having crazy dreams but on Wednesday I got some very bad cramping. As most of you know, I have had cramping through most of the pregnancy so far but this was different and so bad I could barely get off the couch. It passed after about 20 mins (and I then went and had lunch with my Aunty) but it shook me up. After the lunch out, I rested all afternoon and was lucky enough to be able to work from home on Thursday. I mainly just had a dull ache from then on.

On Thursday night the cramps came back with a vengeance and I ended up calling the on-call OB (poor man). He assured me that as long as there was no bleeding (there wasn't), everything was most likely fine. That made me feel a little bit better but I was still nervous when we went to the 12 week scan on Friday.

Thankfully it was at 8:30am so we didn't have to wait long and there we saw our delightful JourneyBaby:

It was wonderful to see JourneyBaby with a strong heart beat - we even saw the two hemispheres of the brain. The sonographer said that everything is 'perfect' which was absolute music to our ears. We had to call later on to find out the down syndrome risk which ended up being 1 in 4500 - hurrah! I have to say, I didn't quite understand how much joy I had been holding back until yesterday - gosh, the happiness and relief was amazing.

In other news, JourneyDog got a haircut yesterday and his normal groomers were not available so we took him somewhere else. Well, he has turned into a dog freak and looks like an 80's girly poodle dog. Not that the poor thing looks particular masculine with his fluffy woolly coat but honestly, I couldn't recognise him and it freaked me out. He was very sad and morose yesterday as he doesn't really like the groomers so he has been very clingy on me - I have been enjoying hugging his Woolly self though.

Have a fab weekend everyone!


  1. Woot woot!

    Would it be rude of me to make Journey Baby's picture my 'puter screen wallpaper?

    He/she's gorgeous!!!

    I understand the cramps would be concerning, but that is great to get that reassurance too....

    Oh, but poor Journey Dog....he may never allow you to have his coat done again, EVER!

    LS x

  2. Wow I seriously can't believe you are 12 weeks already! So happy to hear that JourneyBaby is doing well!

  3. Look at that perfect little Journey Baby! I'm so happy everything is going well :)

  4. Woohoo, twelve weeks!!!!!!

    I'm glad the cramping isn't anything to get too worried about.

    Oh, and JourneyBaby looks beautiful.

    Well done, you're going strong!!

  5. What a beautiful picture of Little Journey Baby!! And wow, you're 12 weeks? Crazy! I nominated you for a blogging award. Here's a link to it:

  6. That is such a great ultrasound picture... perfect! And congratulations on the good news!

  7. so glad that you are finally able to breathe a bit. it is amazing how much anxiety one body can hold. hope journeydog's hair gets to something more to his liking soon.


  8. Just finished catching up on the posts in the last month. So happy you are past 12 weeks! JourneyBaby looks wonderful and so glad this latest scan was full of good news!

  9. Wow, huge congrats on hitting the 12 week mark. That's an absolutely gorgeous ultrasound picture!


  10. Wow wonderful- awesome 12 weeks! JourneyBaby is gorgeous! How did you follow up on the Down Syndrome issue, they took a sample or something right? I mean not just from looking at the U/S. Forgive my ignorance I am new to prenatal testing.

  11. Wow, I read about JourneyBaby on the blog with the bear...unsure of the name. :) It's great that you are doing well! I just finished my first DE cycle and waiting for my beta results! Lots of luck to you on your journey.


  12. What a wonderful ultrasound picture! Congrats on hitting 12 weeks~


  13. Yay for the 12 week mark - I had cramping early on in my pregnancy and it is worrying but you body is doing some spreading out so I just clung to the fact that if there was no bleeding (even though I did have some which was triply worrying) than everything was ok.

    You will love it when you can start to feel the baby as it is very comforting :-)

  14. congrats on hitting the 12 week mark and being able to relax and fully embrace the joy. That's a great u/s picture :)

  15. I can't believe I missed this post! Look at that perfect, gorgeous little baby! It made my eyes well up. I am so happy for you. I am so glad this all worked and you have such a beautiful bably growing in there. Hopefully you will feel the kicks in the next few weeks!

  16. Glad your ultrasound went so well! Have a safe and happy pregnancy!


  17. Congrats on a happy and healthy pregnancy! What a lovely picture. :)
