Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We have follicles!!!

A calm has descended over me. Only one more sleep, only one more day of work, one dinner at my Mum and Dad's house, a kiss and a hug of JourneyDog and we are off!!
I got an email from the clinic this morning, our donor had her first scan yesterday. She has 20 follicles and her hormones are rising nicely!! Wow, this is like the follicle holy grail. Honestly, I feel vindicated, relieved and not a little bit jealous. I hadn't admitted it to myself but I was seriously worried that the cycle was going to be cancelled because she didn't respond to the drugs or didn't have enough follicles. I feel like I need to have a little discussion with my own ovaries to tell them that this is what I was hoping for from them, not some shuddering growth of a rogue follicle or two. I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed with my own bodies shortcomings egg especially in comparison to my gorgeous donor's but what can you do, that's life, right!
The good, positive thougthts far outweigh the bad though and the relief from the craziness that had swamped me over the past few days has been profound. I am back to excited optimism now and that is sitting well with me! I am looking forward to the trip now with great hope and excitement now. I am even looking forward to getting up at 5am for work tomorrow and all of my back to back meetings because it will be the last day for almost a month, whoo hoo! I do have to slip out in the morning to get the lap band adjusted.
Whilst we have officially entered summer in Melbourne and we have had some very hot weather already, today has been very cold and rainy so I am looking forward to the sun and heat of Thailand (it is going to be 34 degrees celsius, 92 degrees fahrenheit over the week) - I am looking forward to some relaxing by the pool - whoo hoo!
A note from JourneyMan:
It is on! Wow, since we had the baby's room set up and I saw the cradle in corner I have been moving rapidly towards expecting a baby. As JG had mentioned, I was blown away to see the cradle in the room. From there, I could see the baby sitting in the cradle and I was imagining carefully lifting her while supporting her head and back. I am looking forward to cuddling a little one soon and in short things have been brought sharply into focus for me. With all the failed attempts, I had felt a distance to the actual reality of success. Also, now that our donor has got 20 follicles, I have also realised we should soon have a bub on the way!
And back to JourneyGirl:
This song to our JourneyBaby has been going through my head all day - so corny I know but well, that's me, I am pretty corny!!
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold on like you'll never let me go
Cos I'm leaving on a jet plane
Come with me when I come back again
Oh babe, I can't wait for you!

A frantic note to Lifeslurper:
Teddy and the Big Blue Dog have been spotted at Melbourne Airport - find them here (you've got to view this post people, it is precious)!!!
(JourneyMan and I absolutely LOVED this post - thank you, thank you, thank you!!).
Thank you for all of your good wishes, everyone - I really appreciate it!!
Check the ticker - 1 day to go!! This time tomorrow, we will be at the airport.


  1. How awesome is that! And how great is it to have your very own Teddy Lifeslurper post!!

    I too hope you'll be bringing home that Journey Baby from Thailand :)

  2. 20 Follicles is fantastic!!!!!

    Hoping everything goes well for you!!!!

  3. Ahhhh!!! The time is almost here! OH MY GOSH!!!

    20 follies is AWESOME. The odds are definitely in your favor. :D

    What a sweet post from JM. It made my eyes well up.

    I pray that the things continue to go well. I am sending all of my positive thoughts and vibes your way.

    Good luck focusing on anything other than your trip tomorrow. ;)

    *BIG HUGS!*

  4. Yay for follicles!! Go donor! Loved reading the perspective from JourneyMan.

    Good luck to both of you!

  5. Phew!

    Thank goodness...I can now cancel my report with the Missing Teddys Bureau!!! I tells yer they will be grounded when they return home!

    Anyways Journey Gal....wow you pass off the fact that you are spending the day doing lotsa stuff like it is normal...what strength you have...not showing up 12 hours ahead of checkin - or my prefered option; pulling the doona up over your head and staying there!

    Yeah, but we know things are gotta be serious when a girl starts quoting John Denver lyrics! At least we can rest assured that you have Jouney Man there to keep you (and your sanity!) in check! That's quita a man you've got there!

    So go safe in the knowledge you have the support of a mob of supporters cheering you on from afar.....20 follies!!??? Well we all know that is fantasmagorical!!!!

    Cabin staff have competed the saftey check...you are now taxi-ing down the run way...ready for baby lift off!!!!!

    Love to the Journey Family!

    LS x

    PS: Can you send Teddy & BBG home when you return? Or better still, take 'em on a trip to thailand!? They like spas!
