Thursday, November 5, 2009

Castor oil packs, to do lists and projects - oh my!

Well people, it is hectic here in Chez JourneyWorld. The project that I am working on has now officially been delayed another two weeks – eek, getting very close to the Thailand trip I tell you!! In answer to Lifeslurper’s question about whether this is my job job or my own business. It is my job job that is supposed to be maximum 3 days per week but for the past 3 months has been pretty much 4 days and sometime (the horror!) 5 days!! The project is a massive one, upgrading 12 interlocking websites (some that are hosted in Aus, some in the US) – I am going website crazy. My own business project has hit a bit of a slump but I am having a working party on Sunday with my business partner (also my bestie) to pull a few things into line and to keep things running on their own over the Perth trip, Thailand trip, Christmas and New Year period. 2010 is when we are going to take the world by storm!!

Jill has asked about the castor oil pack and since I am going through my whole regime in detail, this is the next logical place. I can’t really remember where I came across this natural therapy first but there is some good information at the following site: I didn’t buy the pack, I just got all of the ingredients from the chemist and made up my own pack. Edgar Cayce, who is also known as ‘the father of the holistic health movement’ was a huge proponent of the castor oil pack and in his readings contain more than 570 uses for the packs. Apparently it has uses in many different conditions as diverse as arthritis, liver and intestinal conditions and even skin tumors and breast cancer. Now – I know are you going to ask if I found a medical study that linked improved fertility with the use of the castor oil pack. In answer, no – I did not.

I did, however, find some studies that confirmed what the active agents in castor oil are. Basically the modern medical studies stated that the castor oil was able to be absorbed easily to the lower parts of the skin and that it’s main properties were as an anti-inflammatory. The heat used in the packs also aids in the increase of blood flow to the affected area. Years ago, I also read a book called ‘Clear Body, Clear Mind’ by Leon Chaitow that had a trunk pack in it similar to the castor oil pack that was used for support for detoxification of the liver and kidneys. This pack seemed quite similar so I thought I would give it a go. The following link is probably the best one that I found for directions and information about it uses with fertility:

In other news, I have pretty much completed our packing checklist for Thailand (even though he is still at work right now, I can hear JourneyMan groaning from here) and yes, it is in a spreadsheet. When we got married, every part of the wedding was spreadsheeted – I loves me a spreadsheet!! I have even cross referenced the list against 4 travel websites that had checklists on them to make sure that I had thought of everything (why 4? Well by the time I got to the 4th one, there was nothing more to add to my list!!).

What else is happening? Well, the stinking fridge people have not called so I am despairing about receiving the fridge this week – damn it all to hell. I also cut myself a fringe (that’s ‘bangs’ to our US friends) during the week, people have been raving about how good it looks. JourneyMan said I looked adorable, which wasn’t the look that I was going for. Truth be told, I read an article in a magazine (I dearly love trashy magazines) that celebrities were wearing a fringe instead of getting botox. I thought that sounded good (get thee behind thee gullible one!!) and plus I had seem a pic of myself when I had a fringe and thought I looked good, so that’s why I did it. I do need another colour though to cover up those greys!!

Tomorrow, my Mum and I are off to IKEA to buy a few things that will help to organize JourneyBaby’s room (no pics yet, I’m afraid, Lifeslurper – definitely once it’s finished though!!). I have got a very hectic day planned tomorrow – clean house, gym, IKEA, optometrist appointment, acupuncture appointment, more organizing of Journey Baby’s room and go and see my Dad in the rehab hospital. No rest for the wicked, my friends!!


  1. Thinking of you on your journey!

  2. I have to ask, was the last line of your post in reference to a song? If so, I totally got it. I love that song.

    You crack me up. I giggled about you loving a good spread sheet. I just imagined a woman getting all tingly in the fingers at the sight of a spreadsheet.

    I hope the bangs are gorgeous. Do you feel that they are actually as good as botox?

    I can't believe you are down to 33 days. I am getting nervous on your behalf. I seriously am. Please God, let this work!

    I can't wait to see the pictures of the nursery and/or baby gear. :)

  3. Great info about castor oil packs. I used to do them when I was dealing with fibroids. Now, my only known fibroid is on the back side of my uterus, so it's kinda hard to get at. Good luck with your journey!

  4. JG, I'm almost through your archives now! Which means I haven't gotten much else done, of course.
    I love the fact that you are a spreadsheet-girl too. I can't live without them! When I got married I created the world's most comprehensive spreadsheet with 14 workbooks. Sometimes I still open it up to oogle at it.

  5. Hi There,

    Sorry to clutter up your comments, but I didn't see a way to contact you otherwise.

    I'd like to introduce myself: I'm the Community Editor for Adoptive Families' social network, I wanted to let you know that the magazine has chosen to include your blog in its first-annual roundup of the top adoption blogs. The announcement will officially be made in the March/April issue, which we would like to send to you. And, after the issue comes out, we'll be sending you a graphic "Top Adoption Blogger" badge for your blog.

    Can you contact me @

    or on Twitter

