Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Ready....

Holy cow, it is only 9 days until we go to Thailand!! I am feeling that it is a little surreal at the moment, kind of in a holding pattern because everything is pretty much organized. The house is also feeling really like a home, more than it has in the 3 years that we have lived here. Most of the house has been spring cleaned and everything has a place that it lives and I have now put up pictures and photo’s and prints. I have gotten some cushions for the couch and just really organized everything. Every time I walk through the door I smile and it has really become a nice haven.

We do have a big problem with our courtyard, it is a total jungle out there but thankfully JourneyMan finishes work this Wednesday so he has a week to do a bit of work out there to whip it into shape. Basically it is just some weeding and stuff, hopefully I will be pregnant next year and won’t have to divert all our money for another cycle so we can spend a little bit of money getting a deck for the back yard and a new kitchen – then the house will be perfecto!

I think that the overriding feeling that I do have is that I am ready now. The house is almost ready, JourneyMan and I are at a good place in our relationship, we are both going well in our jobs, we are ready. It’s time for our baby to come now. Now, I have thought that before but I do feel it right to my heart right now.

It has been a really good weekend. I had my Mum and sister and two of her boys over on Friday for lunch. My sister brought around a gorgeous cot and a big bag of baby clothes that we could have. When she first told me that she could bring all the stuff around (after I let her know that we had gotten the room ready for the baby), I freaked out a bit. I wasn’t sure that it was a good idea to have all of the stuff in the house, I mean what if the cycle in Thailand is negative. Over time though, I have decided that regardless of how, we are going to have a baby so the room will be beautiful.

So when she brought over the cot and the clothes, I was quite excited and happy to put them in the room. I showed JourneyMan when he got home from work and then it was his turn to freak out a bit. He has recovered over the weekend and we even went to the shops today and got some stickers to decorate the room. The room now cannot be mistaken for anything else but a baby’s room – it makes me smile every time I go in there.
I have even posted some photo’s for you all!

Hope you like them. It is really countdown time now! In other news, I am continuing with the Progynova (estradiol) 3 times a day and there haven't been too many side affects apart from wicked bloating and a number of headaches. I have also started the Clexane (blood thinner) injections - have been doing them since we left for Perth and forgot to tell you. You know, they are definitely not as bad as I remembered - I guess one of the perks of doing IVF is how used to injections that I have gotten!
Anyway, that is all the news for right now. We are off into our last full week before we head off, I am SOOOO excited!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why do I want to be a mother?

I have been thinking about being a Mum lately. JourneyMan asked me very early on in our relationship why I wanted to be a mother. I stumbled over it at the time because how can you define something that you feel is your basic right? Over the years, I have come back to the question again and again. I don't really know if I have a better answer than it is something that I want in every fibre of my being.
I have always wanted to have a family of my own. There are a million reasons why and there are none. I guess one of the reasons that I stumbled to answer the question previously was that some part of me used to believe that it was for selfish reasons. So I would have the love of a child for the rest of my life, so that I would be surrounded by family, so that I would leave a legacy in the world. None of those reasons really mean that much to me though. Over the time of IF, I have become clearer.
One of the main things that I have realised is that I have an eternal well of love within me that I want to share with a child. Believe it or not, my JourneyDog that is Woolly is the one that has made me realise that. Unfortunately, he also bears the brunt of being treated like a baby at times (I have been known to blurt on his tummy - his response is to play bite my nose, he is unimpressed). It has been a good lesson in responsibility as well as consistency in discipline - he is a great teacher.
I also fear it as well, I mean - I don't want to be a bad parent. I am sure that many parents who are over protective or smothering or harsh on their child also have good intentions. After all, how do I know I will be a good mother?
I read an article whilst we were in Perth. It was talking about the global financial crisis and how more and more people are having to now wait for things instead of being able to buy them straight away. The article was talking about how making yourself wait for things can be more satisfying. I know that it is not the same thing (as we have been forced to wait rather than making the choice ourselves) but I did draw some comfort from the psychologist saying that after waiting for something that we really want, you feel a good deal more appreciation for the item than you would have if you were able to get it immediately.
I know I will appreciate this child when she (yes, I believe she is a she!!) comes along. I know that the waiting will have inceased that appreciation a thousand fold. I know that I will savour the moments more than I may have if motherhood had of come easier than it has. I know that my relationship with JourneyMan has deepened over the time of our wrestling with IF. It may have done so anyway but for me, I am blown away by the wonderful man that I am married to - his capacity for love, laughter and comfort - I am one lucky woman.
I think that our little holiday to Perth crystallised to me that there are positives that I have gained from the IF journey. The ability to cherish my relationship, the absolute appreciation when I finally hold that baby in my arms, that I believe in my own strength and resilience. I wish that it didn't have to be this way because it has been hard but I have to say, I am liking more and more what I see in the mirror and feel in my heart and that cannot be understimated.
So, why do I want to be a mother? I still can't tell you - it is in every corner of my being. Will I be a good mother - well, let's hope that I will find out soon.

Monday, November 23, 2009

We're Back and things are heating up!!

Hello ICLW's - sorry but this is not a welcome post though you can find a bit more info about me here.
Well we got back from Perth at 4am this morning and I am a little weary I can tell you! We had a wonderful trip though the much lauded Perth beach weather deserted us and it was a pretty chilly. We only got to swim once and that was yesterday. The rest of the time the wind was absolutely bitter!
We left on Wednesday afternoon on a very hot day in Melbourne and arrived in Perth after a 4 and a half hour flight (and 3 hour time change) tired but excited. It was very cold when we got off the plane and we realised that we didn't really bring clothes that were appropriate for the cooler weather - doh! On Thursday, JourneyMan and I spent most of the day catching up on sleep and reading which was nice and then went to JourneyMan's cousin's house for his birthday BBQ. Thankfully, JourneyCousin lent me a warm jumper for the rest of the trip. It was a fun night getting to know some new people!
On Friday, JourneyMan and I spent the day touring around Perth - we went to Fremantle which is an old colonial area of Perth where the docks are - it was really nice there. On Friday night, JourneyMan's brother and his girlfriend also flew in from Melbourne so there was plenty of company for the trip. JourneyMan went out on Friday night with his cousin and brother and a host of other people - I stayed in the room for some rest, I am not a huge party animal at the best of times but as you know, I am trying to be as relaxed as possible in the lead up to the cycle.
On Saturday, we finally ventured to the beach but it was still too cold so we quickly hot footed it out of there and had a nice lunch before going to the party on Saturday night. It was a fab night - alot of fun though not too late, thankfully! Yesterday we did some more exploring of the city and then had lunch at JourneyMan's aunt's house before we dropped JourneyMan's brother and girlfriend off at the airport. We had a few hours to kill to our flight so we decided to see a movie before checking in to our flight. We learnt some valuable lessons last night. Firstly, make sure that the movie does not go for an obsene amount of time before deciding to see it. We saw 2012 and had to leave the movie early or we would have missed checking in to our flight. Secondly, it is probably not a good idea to see an action movie, leave at the climax and only leave yourself barely enough time to check in before the flight closes. We ran out of the movie before it finished, had to fill up the rental car with petrol before putting it back and had to read the drop off instructions for the rental car en route. We got to the flight check in 5 minutes before they closed the flight and we felt like we were in our own action movie!! It took us awhile to relax after that experience I tell you!
Now it is 16 days until we go to Thailand - wow, things are really starting to move fast now! Of course, my contrary period decided to come early (yesterday) and so when I let the clinic know, they have made some changes to the cycle. I have started to take the progynova today and then egg pick up for the donor will now be on the 12th of December and the transfer will be on the 17th. It is getting really exciting. I have to say that I spent alot of time thinking about the cycle in Perth, I am very, very hopeful.
Now, I am a bit nervous about what has happened at work while I have been away but we will see what happens when I get in there tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Go West!

Greetings from a town called Mania! I have been up since 5:30am this morning and it is now 11pm. We are headed off to Perth tomorrow so I have been madly trying to get all of my work done as well as organising all of those last minute things. We have had a few issues this week - firstly, JourneyDog has been sick so I had to rush him up to the vet yesterday afternoon so everything I was going to do last night was pushed so I could hug and comfort his woolly self. Would you believe he had a bruised pen!s!! Goodness me, who would have thought! He is much better today thank goodness and will be packed off tomorrow to his Nanna's place!
JourneyMan and I had a big argument the other night (I was going to say barney but am pretty sure that is Aussie slang so didn't know whether my US friends would understand - anyway, barney = argument). It was over something really petty but I was really disturbed and only got about 2 hours sleep on Sunday night so have been exhausted ever since. We don't argue that much but this has left me feeling quite upset. We are getting back to ourselves again now but I have to admit, I can't help but get worried when something like that happens. I need to release and let go.
I had a pretty ordinary day at work, the project has been pushed back to the day before we go to Thailand - what the!?!? That was something that I didn't need, though I have serious doubts that we will be able to go live - I think it may get pushed to January. I have a lot, lot to do tomorrow so will be up at 5am to get everything done.
The other thing that happened was that work didn't pay me and JourneyMan's company changed his pay day to 5 days later than normal - this has thrown the budget out a bit but I my work confirmed today that they will make my payment tomorrow - phew! The other thing that has happened is that I have paid the deposit for the cycle today - we are officially ON people and did you notice, it is only 3 weeks to go today. This time in 3 weeks we will be at Melbourne airport checking in to our flight - yahoo - can't wait!
On the positive side of things, I have pretty much nearly finished my to do list for the month - huzzah and am all packed and ready for JourneyMan to pick me up from work tomorrow at 2:30pm - whooo hoo!
Okay - I am exhausted, gotta go! Catch you after Perth!
P.S. - TireeGal - our transfer is the 18th so we are a couple of weeks behind you!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A big clean-up and lots more inane rambling!

Thanks for all of the comments, everyone – you are so supportive and have been very thought provoking for me. I really appreciate all of the time that you have taken to make a comment – you guys are fabulous! Welcome to Maxandzuzu and thank you for your wonderful comment. Chelle, I understand where you are coming from and to a certain extent I agree but I feel a little ‘once bitten, twice shy’ in terms of my friends. I know that they mean well and for the most part they are extremely supportive however, they sometimes make comments without thinking that it will hurt - like laughing at all of the things that have gone wrong – that hurt. If I didn’t have Thailand coming up, I would have forced myself to go out to lunch with my friends as well as breakfast with JourneyMan’s family because I normally believe in facing my fears and trying to get over things. However, with Thailand coming up – I am putting myself first, I want to reduce the possibility of getting upset so whilst I know that all of these people love me and want to support me, unfortunately sometimes people say things that they don’t realize hurt and I don’t want to hear about that at the moment.

My Mum made a comment to me this week that I might need to get help from someone especially if it doesn’t go our way in Thailand. I don’t have any problem seeing counselors or anything like that but I did take a little offense at her comments to me the other day because the implication was that I am not handling the situation very well. I know that she really struggles with what to say to help out at all and after I cooled off (and vented about it to Journeyman), I had a chat to her about it and explained to her how her comment made me feel – she was very understanding and it was good to have it sorted out.

Last week was a busy one with me working 5 days – eeek!! There is still stacks to do on this mammoth project going live but I am only working 3 days this week because JourneyMan and I are off for a little trip to the West Coast of Australia – Perth for JourneyMan’s cousin’s 30th birthday. I am really looking forward to this little sojourn to the Western beaches! I haven’t actually been to Perth (apart from a 4 hour stop off on the way to Africa) so I am really excited to have a look around and have some relaxing fun! Only 3 days of work to go - yeah!!

This weekend has been a hectic one with Saturday off to the market with my Mum as usual. We then went to my older sisters’ boys school fair in which we were both roped in to doing an hour on one of the stands (I took tickets for the pony rides and Mum served tea!). Then we went to see my Dad who is still in the rehab place and who wasn’t in very good spirits that’s for sure! On Saturday night, we had dinner and were in bed by 9:30pm – we are party animals! Today has been all go! JourneyMan had the breakfast around with his family and then we went over to my Mum and Dad’s place to make sure that JourneyDog can’t make an escape from their backyard when they are taking care of him when we are in Perth and then Thailand. I have wrapped Christmas presents today as well as packed all of our toiletries for Perth (which will remain packed for Thailand – whoo hoo) – I am feeling pretty organized.

The rest of the day today we had a mammoth clean up and I am happy and proud to tell you that JourneyBaby’s room has been completely cleaned out and is ready for her / him to grace us with their presence. In there I have a big bear that my Nanny (Dad’s mum) left me and a couple of bears that JourneyMan took when were cleaning up my Nanna’s place after she died (he was very naughty and I told my mum and she was fine about it). My birthday is on 6 August, my Mum’s birthday is on the 7th of August and Mum’s Mum (Nanna) birthday was also on the 7th. We had 3 generations within a day of each other. Plus my grandfather was the 3rd of August, my sister is the 19th (her husband is the 22nd) and the Aunt that I am very close to is the 24th – we are a family of Leo’s!! I am taking it as a good sign that if all goes well in Thailand, this baby will be due (37 weeks – which is considered full term in Australia) on the 10th of August. I hope, hope, hope!!

JourneyMan’s Mum has had a medal of St Jude blessed for us to take. St Jude is the patron saint of desperate cases (sometimes called lost causes but I am not going to think that!). According to my sources, St Jude is usually invoked in desperate situations because he stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances, just as their forefathers had done. I thought that was really nice of her and though I don’t think we are a ‘lost cause’ I would most assuredly agree that this is a desperate case – I will definitely be wearing that when we head off to Thailand – 23 days to go, people – things are getting exciting!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

There could be swearing....

Okay, I got over the fact that JourneyMan's sister is pregnant, I had a whinge, I had a cry, I railed and then got back to business of being excited about Thailand. I was knocked a little when JourneyMan's family invited us over for breakfast on the weekend because I felt pretty guilty saying that I couldn't go.
Today, I found out that my friend is pregnant with her second - this is the friend who got married 4 weeks after JourneyMan and I. I was supposed to be having lunch with her on Friday (along with my other friend who has just had her second and another friend whose baby has just turned one), it was the last straw, I have decided not to go, even though I was the one who organised it - what the hell was I thinking?
I am genuinely happy for them all, god knows I wouldn't wish this hell on my worst enemy but seriously people, I am trying to reduce my stress levels not raise them. I feel terribly guilty for not going, I have been a horrible, horrible friend (and SIL for that matter) over the past couple of years. I am trying to stay positive but everytime I hear of another pregnancy, I can't help but think 'what is it going to be like if we get a negative in December?'. Will I never see my friends again? Will I ever be able to be around woman who are pregnant or who have kids? Will I ever be a normal person again?
I have my sister and a friend coming over for dinner tomorrow night, she has secondary infertility and whilst I am hoping that she will tell me that she's pregnant tomorrow night cos she has had a pretty rough time of it (3 miscarriages and has been trying for her second for the last 3 years) - I don't know whether it will turn me into an agorophobic.
I am so totally and utterly over this crap I can't even think straight.
I think I am going to have to start back at Bikram yoga tomorrow - maybe I will sweat out some resentment and clear myself of this negativity.
Over and out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Whirlwind weekend!

Gosh, I can't believe it is Sunday night already - where did my weekend go? It was a pretty busy one actually. Friday, I did some organising in the house while I waited for a call from the fridge delivery people. Good news, I have moved the office out of the baby room and into the open plan kitchen, living, dining room. It actually looks better than I thought and because I organised all the papers last weekend, it is pretty organised and tidy! After I found out that the fridge could not be delivered until Saturday, my Mum and I headed to IKEA to look at a TV storage unit that I liked.
We had some lunch first and consequently after we had looked at everything that we needed to, I realised that I might be late for my acupuncture appointment so we really had to rush. Just as we were going out of the shop, Mum discovered a display version of the unit that I wanted for $100 less (plus it was already put together - perfect!). I didn't have time to buy it and organise delivery though so I had to haul arse to the acupuncturist. Needless to say she said I was more stressed than last week - booo. After the acupuncturist, I had an Optometrist appointment because I have run out of contact lenses. In the evening, JourneyMan, my Mum and I went back to IKEA to get the unit. Happily, they could deliver on Saturday. So it was arranged, JourneyMan would wait for the TV unit in the morning and I would wait for the fridge in the afternoon.
I went to the market as usual in the morning and lost my purse - gosh, the horror, I was so worried because of course it's got all the cards and info that I need to take with me to Thailand. I searched everywhere and when I couldn't find it, I reported to the office but couldn't do anymore so went to brunch. After about half an hour I got a call that a security guard had found it and it had everything still in it - even all the money, I was really lucky!!
Today, JourneyMan and I went to buy a flat screen TV for our new unit, which is being delivered tomorrow afternoon. I am happy to report the fridge is fabulous! So I have a pretty yummy menu planned for the week. We are having the salmon, spinach and fetta frittata we were supposed to have last week, a salmon with creamy lemon & parmesan sauce (it's a low fat version), lamb backstrap marinated in garlic and rosemary, beef and vegie soup for lunches and an anchovy, goats cheese and rocket (arugula for our US friends) rissotto - should be a good week!!
I worked most of the day with my bestie on doing the work that we need to so that we can have a break over the next 6 weeks and thankfully that is all done now which is one less stress! After I the TV comes tomorrow, I can spend this week clearing most of the rest of the books and everything out of the baby's room - which is really exciting though still a long way to go!!
One tough thing has happened over the weekend. JourneyMan's Mum called him to invite us to breakfast with his sister and fiancee next week. I have asked JourneyMan if it's okay if I don't go basically because I am really trying to stay as stress free as possible - I just don't think I can take a day of talking about about how she's feeling and how their preparations are going. Thankfully, JourneyMan is the most supportive husband in the world and is very understanding. Kisses to you my gorgeous man!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Castor oil packs, to do lists and projects - oh my!

Well people, it is hectic here in Chez JourneyWorld. The project that I am working on has now officially been delayed another two weeks – eek, getting very close to the Thailand trip I tell you!! In answer to Lifeslurper’s question about whether this is my job job or my own business. It is my job job that is supposed to be maximum 3 days per week but for the past 3 months has been pretty much 4 days and sometime (the horror!) 5 days!! The project is a massive one, upgrading 12 interlocking websites (some that are hosted in Aus, some in the US) – I am going website crazy. My own business project has hit a bit of a slump but I am having a working party on Sunday with my business partner (also my bestie) to pull a few things into line and to keep things running on their own over the Perth trip, Thailand trip, Christmas and New Year period. 2010 is when we are going to take the world by storm!!

Jill has asked about the castor oil pack and since I am going through my whole regime in detail, this is the next logical place. I can’t really remember where I came across this natural therapy first but there is some good information at the following site: I didn’t buy the pack, I just got all of the ingredients from the chemist and made up my own pack. Edgar Cayce, who is also known as ‘the father of the holistic health movement’ was a huge proponent of the castor oil pack and in his readings contain more than 570 uses for the packs. Apparently it has uses in many different conditions as diverse as arthritis, liver and intestinal conditions and even skin tumors and breast cancer. Now – I know are you going to ask if I found a medical study that linked improved fertility with the use of the castor oil pack. In answer, no – I did not.

I did, however, find some studies that confirmed what the active agents in castor oil are. Basically the modern medical studies stated that the castor oil was able to be absorbed easily to the lower parts of the skin and that it’s main properties were as an anti-inflammatory. The heat used in the packs also aids in the increase of blood flow to the affected area. Years ago, I also read a book called ‘Clear Body, Clear Mind’ by Leon Chaitow that had a trunk pack in it similar to the castor oil pack that was used for support for detoxification of the liver and kidneys. This pack seemed quite similar so I thought I would give it a go. The following link is probably the best one that I found for directions and information about it uses with fertility:

In other news, I have pretty much completed our packing checklist for Thailand (even though he is still at work right now, I can hear JourneyMan groaning from here) and yes, it is in a spreadsheet. When we got married, every part of the wedding was spreadsheeted – I loves me a spreadsheet!! I have even cross referenced the list against 4 travel websites that had checklists on them to make sure that I had thought of everything (why 4? Well by the time I got to the 4th one, there was nothing more to add to my list!!).

What else is happening? Well, the stinking fridge people have not called so I am despairing about receiving the fridge this week – damn it all to hell. I also cut myself a fringe (that’s ‘bangs’ to our US friends) during the week, people have been raving about how good it looks. JourneyMan said I looked adorable, which wasn’t the look that I was going for. Truth be told, I read an article in a magazine (I dearly love trashy magazines) that celebrities were wearing a fringe instead of getting botox. I thought that sounded good (get thee behind thee gullible one!!) and plus I had seem a pic of myself when I had a fringe and thought I looked good, so that’s why I did it. I do need another colour though to cover up those greys!!

Tomorrow, my Mum and I are off to IKEA to buy a few things that will help to organize JourneyBaby’s room (no pics yet, I’m afraid, Lifeslurper – definitely once it’s finished though!!). I have got a very hectic day planned tomorrow – clean house, gym, IKEA, optometrist appointment, acupuncture appointment, more organizing of Journey Baby’s room and go and see my Dad in the rehab hospital. No rest for the wicked, my friends!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A good weekend and a bad fridge!

Okay people, things are getting really real now!! It is only 36 days to go and I have to land a major major project in that time and I am telling you, it is getting close to the wire. The project (I have been working on it since February) was supposed to go live on 30 October. Then it was put back to 12 November and now I fear that it may get put back even further. The problem is, JourneyMan and I are off across the country to Perth in Western Australia for JourneyMan's cousin's 30th birthday and then two weeks after that, we are Thailand bound. I really thought that there wouldn't be any crossover since the project would have been wrapped up well before we go but....god only knows what is going to happen now (of course I have told them about the holidays as well as the fact that they can't do anything about it and they have been very good and understanding) - now it looks like it is going to go live the last week of November or the first week of December. Oh well, come hell or highwater, I will be outy on November 9!!
Firstly a bit of a 'frick' moment. Our fridge is dying so I went and brought a new one today but it won't be delivered until later in the week. It is a real bummer because I had made my super high fibre chicken and vegie soup which has now all spoiled along with all of the food (including my organic grain fed - aka expensive meat) that I brought at the market on Saturday. So we are going from, nice minestrone soup, salmon and fetta fritatta and many other delicious recipes from this week's menu to freaking take away - damn it all to hell.
On the 'fab' side of things, I started the 'baby room' cleanout (I have taken the advice of Lifeslurper and am calling it the baby room instead of the spare room now - and speaking of Lifeslurper, have you checked out the festival of Teddy - honestly, one of the funniest blogs going around and as an aside, I found a study that said laughing increases your fertility, so do yourself a favour and get yourself over there and check Teddy out!!). Anyway, I got a bit lost, I was talking about the baby room. I have organised all of our papers and started packing up books for storage which JourneyMan has migrated to the garage. I announced to my two sisters and mum at our Saturday morning breakfast (after the market) what my intentions for the room are and I was amazed at their reaction, they were so excited and positive - bless them, it was wonderful. I had also spoken to my bestie (who is the only one of my close people, apart from JourneyMan of course, who know about the blog) and she had read my last post about the room and was also overwhelmingly supportive. It was so great to bask in their support, I loved it!!
My older sister with the three boys freaked me out a bit because she has been saving, saving, saving stuff for us and she is practically breaking her neck to hand it all over to us!! I had to ask her to slow down because I really need to clear things out first!! I am really trying to take things slow and work through it methodically - I am usually more your 'bull at a gate' type person so this is a little challenging for me!!
In terms of my regime, I have been going very well, though the fertility yoga has fallen a bit by the wayside. Originally I was wanting to do it 6 times a week but I am going to aim for 3-4 times as it was a bit onerous. I do have more herbs that I am taking now, from the acupuncturist, my session on Friday was wonderful. She said I was very healthy and strong which was great!
The weekend was very nice what with the market and breakfast on Saturday and then Sunday, JourneyMan and I had a really nice day together. We did aqua aerobics at the gym (which was hilarity itself!!) then had a paddle around the pool, a sauna and a spa - it was really nice to spend some time together having fun. Then we went to see a movie (Couple's Retreat) in the afternoon. It was such a nice day. Even better is the fact that we have a public holiday tomorrow (for a horse race - the only city in the world that has a public holiday for a horse race - hilarious, I love it!!) and I am going to hang out with my bestie for the day which will be wonderful.
So there were a few more questions, here are some answers:
Miss Tori asks 'will you be blogging in Thailand' - can I get a hell yeah on that one. We are staying at a hotel that is connected to a 7 story shopping centre and I know just the internet cafe that I can go to to keep you all updated on the story!!
Anonymous asked what clinic that were are using in Thailand and the answer is: - We are seeing Dr Wiwat.
Lifeslurper asked 'I'd love to hear the behind the regime'
Okay, I am going to talk about these but only one at a time (otherwise I will be going on forever - as I am wont to do!!).
Firstly - Inner Health Plus - I got this information from a website that I am signed up to called that said that it is important to have an alkaline system and then I came across it at a few other sites as I was going around and basically they say that it can help out with hormonal balance as they can break down oestrogen (important for us endo sufferers) and are important in manufacturing vitamins like biotin, folic acid, niacin and B6. Anyway, I thought it couldn't hurt, so I have been taking them.